
AWS Developer Experience

 In AWS, builder are empowered to build secure, faster and better code through the tools available to them by AWS. We shall break down those tools in this blog. 1. Code Whisperer  This is AI to help builder to generate sample code that was trained by AWS. you can use your favourate programming languages like python, java, typescript/javascript and c#.  This can integrate with popular IDE like visual code, visual studio, pycharm and intelliJ.  2. Amazon Q It is Generative AI asisstance can help answer your questions just like ChatGPT. If a company have common tools or API, you can also trained Amazon Q to understand how the api been use so the developer in the company can use Amazon Q to guide them how to use those tools or API. Amazon Q wont use the data to train it model. Data within the company stay in the company. Developer can integrate Amazon Q into Visual Code and they can highlight the code to ask Amazon Q to explain the function of the code. 3. CodeGuru  It primary function to

AWS Local Zones - Understand the Subnets

Local Zones have some attributes that we need to take notes expecially when we need to create EIP or RDS. Below some explainations: Command:    aws ec2   describe-availability-zones --filters "Name=zone-type,Values=local-zone" --region ap-southeast-1 Above is using Bangkok Local Zone ZoneName : This property can be use when we want to create subnet in Local Zone GroupName : I t is use to group all the local zones available in that place\area.  Note: The picture above i am using us-west-2-lax (LA) because Bangkok only have 1 Local Zone. NetworkBorderGroup: When we use local zone, AWS will create 2 networkBorder Group (Region and Local Zone). It use by EIP / IPv6(now only available in LA at the point of writing this blog). If EIP is for Local Zone, select the NetworkBorderGroup for it.  There is it.

AWS Local Zones - Unable to launch EC2

 Background: when tries to launch ec2, based on documentation(, you can select the availble EC2 instance type and also the EBS type as recomended by the documentation: Once you have selected those instance type as recomended by AWS documentation, you may encounter the below error (Please note the error messages): Resolution: 1. Instead of choosing the instance type and select directly, you need to click on "Compare instance type" link instead: 2. Show the "Availabiliy Zones" column by selecting the "gear" icon first: 3.  In the Searchbox, select "availability zones: <<Local Zone Name>> to find out which instances are available for us to use in the Local Zones (if you see the below pictures, we only have 4 types):  4. Once done, launch your instances with other configuration just like how you launch your normal ec2 and ensure to select the EBS types that is supporte

AWS - Local Zones

What is Local Zones? a. It is an extention of availability zone to those country where AWS do not have region in. b. Design to get closer to customer hance, enhancing latency or/and data residency due to compliances. Setup: 1. Enable Local zones, first select the region you want to connect your local zone. In this example, my region is Singapore (ap-southeast-1) and therefore enable local zone in Thailand: a. b.  c. Create VPC in ap-southeast-1 d. create Subnet in Local Zones That it for quick start in AWS Local Zones.

Terraform with Docker for Macbook M1 (ARM)

My intention is to blog how I build Terraform in a Docker image, compile it and run as "alias". Official docker image for Terraform do not provide ARM64 architecture at the point of writing this article. In addition to that, I wanted to play with Google Distroless image. Step:1 Create a docker file with multiple build stage: DockerFile Step:2  Build the docker image, for my case, I intend to save the image in DockerHub hence I am running the following command: "docker build -t wongchuinhun/terraform" and upload into my docker hub wongchuinhun/terraform Step: 3 I want to create an alias in my Macbook instead of typing the full docker command, hence I added the following in my zshrc file: alias t = "docker run -it --rm wongchuinhun/terraform" Step:4 To use it, I simple go to my terraform working folder and type the following code in my Terminal: t init 

File Structure (Part 1)

There are few ways for people who arrange their folder structures and which i do not wish to invent it. My approach is to arranging my folder structures based on Features not by types What is Type? Angular have alot of types. for example, we have Controller, Services, Directives which are the commonly used. We do not wish to arrange our file structure like this: This file approach is suitable only for SMALL application, for enterprise application, we have tons of Modules and alot of programmers are working on different modules. So before we jump to multiple modules, we should first arrange our file structures by modules. Let say build an intranet application which consists with Employees modules, eTimelog modules and eLeave modules. I would like also to create main folder to stores all my framework (layout, sidebar, navigationbar, footer-bar etc on my site. here is my simple file structure: - common: putting all my modal, services\repositories\utilities class to be

Office 365 for Developer: Baby Journey (1)

Introduction to SharePoint Cloud (Office 365) Introduction This articles for developer who want to start programming SharePoint 2013 Cloud and don't know where to starts. As a developer myself, I too have issue as i have 0 knowledge on where to start. Here are the benefits to the young and wild developers out there. Sign-up for Office 365 Developer Site 1. 30 days trial 2. charge by per user\month after 30 days. Copy from ( Once register, you can login into your O365 Admin page,configure all the settings your want and setup all the basic setting and grant yourself to enable SharePoint Online for Developer. Set yourself to enable SharePoin Online Developer: Verify if you can access to SharePoint Online 3. Start a new Visual Studio.NET project and create a sample Test App. a. Select New Project, select Office/SharePoint templates and click on App for SharePoint 2013 b. Key In the follow